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» MS Project training courses


On-site training

You may find it convenient to have ms+project+training delivered at your company site. This allows your training syllabus to be tailored to your requirements with no additional cost. We are able to allocate 20 + trainers per day which provides greater date flexibility and trainer cover. We also offer:
- Supply of notebooks/projectors.
- Fast on-line ordering with your own integrated customer account.
- Comprehensive course materials and reference manuals.

Our on-site training can be delivered anywhere in the UK.

Closed company training

You are able to book a training room at any of our 4 training centres so that ms project training london is provided exclusively for you and your colleagues.

One-to-one training

For a more individual and bespoke approach, many of our customers prefer one-to-one ms+project+training+london. This training format may be provided at your site (on-site), at any of our training centres (closed company) or even at a location near you (near site). The content of the training can be completely tailored to suit your requirements.

Drop-in surgery

We can also arrange a 'drop-in surgery' for your company, where one of our Microsoft qualified trainers answers the questions your team have about ms+project+training+london. This 'drop-in-surgery' approach enables you to get specific help on a certain topic from an instructor when you need it most.

UK market leader

We are the market leader in the delivery of MS Office instructor-led courses, including ms project training. We are the largest provider of Microsoft Office training in London and the UK. We run the most regular schedule of Microsoft Office training in the UK.

Our ms+project+training promotional rates are available for as low as


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