Depending on what you're trying to learn, the venue or location you train at can contribute to how much you absorb, and how much gets lots in the background. Some surroundings are conducive to learning, and others aren't. Here are three choices of where to train - most companies have the option of at least two - and what it could mean for how well you train up.

On your own or at home

E-learning or website learning (often called "distance learning", sometimes also available by post) can be done at your own pace, in your own home if you choose.

While this may sound like a cushy option, there can be many distractions at home that you may not have realised. You're in your comfort zone there, and not in work mode at all. Whether it's getting up to make yourself your fourth cup of coffee and having a fridge raid, you will find yourself acting a little slacker than you do at work, unless you discipline yourself very well.

If other people are in the house (especially family or children) - they can be even more distracting than that colleague who is forever coming over to talk to you. Anyone else in the house needs to know that you're training, you're working, and they should pretend you're not there!

Naturally, there are advantages too - you're not rushed, there's no peer pressure, and you've got all the time in the world to concentrate. When done properly, training at home can be really beneficial.

At a training venue

This may sound like the obvious option, but training venues bring their own positives and negatives. Firstly, there's the fact that you'll have to travel to somewhere unfamiliar, that may be far from home -if you have a really early start, you'll be tired before you begin.

Secondly, it may not just be your friendly colleagues and fellow workforce who will be with you - there may be members of the public learning at the same time as you. Although any good training company should group people according to skills, you can't always choose who you'll be training with.

The good thing, of course, is that this is a dedicated venue and will be comfortable, well-equipped and catered to everything you may need on a course - or at least, it should be!

In your own workplace

Sometimes training can be arranged where an external trainer will run a session in your workplace. This usually works well since you can practise how you'll be using the skills or software in your real life environment instead of a simulated one.

The only downside to this is that you have to learn at the same pace as your colleagues, since the trainer may only be booked for a certain amount of time. On top of that, there's only the time they are there to get your questions answered in person (although any good company should provide a follow-up).

This should give you some idea of how where you train, as well as how you train, can affect how well it may work for you. Choose your location carefully, or try a combination, and you'll get the most out of the sessions you book.