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Microsoft Office Training Excess

» Excel training courses


Microsoft Office Training Excess of 10 Attendees

We get requests for Microsoft Office training for in excess of 10 people. When we receive these requests, we offer two options depending on the size group that you wish to train. If the numbers that you are looking at are over 10 people, we can train in large groups at your offices. We can do this either as a floor walking session or if you have a training room large enough we can deliver a 'normal' training course. The second option is for groups of between 8 and 11, where we can accommodate this size group at some of our London training centres.

Microsoft Office Applications

We can deliver training on all of the Microsoft Office applications, which include:
- Access
- Excel
- Frontpage
- PowerPoint
- Project
- Word
- Visio

In addition to the standard Office application we can also provide training on a whole host of other Microsoft and Adobe products, examples include Microsoft Project Server and Adobe Dreamweaver.

All of our Microsoft Office training is available for all versions of the software:
- Office 2010
- Office 2007
- Office 2003
- Office 2002/XP
- Office 2000
- Office 97

For further information about all of our courses you should see our course details page.

Live Schedule For All Microsoft Office Courses

Whether you require Microsoft Office training excess of 10 people or courses for less than 10 people you will find all of Microsoft Office courses on our online live schedule. You can use our live schedule to instantly find a date that suits you. Once found you can book online and benefit from our "Easy-Jet" style pricing system.


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