percentage difference

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Percentage difference

resolvedResolved · Urgent Priority · Version 2003

Anne has attended:
Excel Introduction course

Percentage difference

How would you work out the percentage difference between two cells (for example A1 and B1)? Is there a pre-programmed formula for this?
Many thanks

Edited on Tue 2 Dec 2008, 16:38

RE: Percentage difference

Hi Anne

You will learn a lot more about these types of formulas in the Intermediate course if you are looking to do this training. I would do this formula as follows:

If A1 is 100
and B1 is 90
and I want to show percentage difference in cell C1.
My formula would read =((B1-A1)/A1)

You would also need to format the cell to be a percentage.
You can do this by clicking the Percent Style button it looks like a percent symbol, or by going format/cells/percentage.

I hope that helps and answers your question.


RE: Percentage difference


I'm still confused. Wouldn't the percentage difference in the above case be 10%? Using your formula I get -0.1%

Below are some of the figures I'm dealing with:

A1 = 753.50
B1 = 600.00
C1 = percentage difference between A1 & B1???

A2 = 11.60
B2 = 12.92
C2 = percentage difference between A2 & B2???


RE: Percentage difference

I've just realised that in Excel percentages are stored as fractions so you've answered my question.


Excel tip:

Sorting List Subtotals

If you find that you would prefer to show the items in a subtotalled list in a different order, eg ascending rather than descending, you can sort your list. To sort a subtotalled list, hide the detail rows and then sort the subtotal rows. When you sort a subtotalled list, the hidden detail rows are automatically moved with the subtotal rows.
IMPORTANT: If you do not hide the details rows before sorting a subtotalled list, your subtotals will be removed and all of the rows in your list will be reordered.

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