microsoft-excel-training - two data series one

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microsoft-excel-training - Two data series on one bar graph

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Paru has attended:
Excel Advanced course
Access Introduction course

Two data series on one bar graph

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please could you help me on the following excel graph problem i have:

ok im trying to put two sets on data onto one bar chart. i cant get the graph to put the data on two different axis, even though i only have one set of legends labels.

i hope this makes sense.

please help

Many thanks in advance

RE: Two data series on one bar graph

Hello Paru

Thank you for your question regarding usingin two data axes on a chart in Microsoft Excel. The way to do this is pretty simple.

When the values in a 2-D chart vary widely from data series to data series in a 2-D chart, or when you have mixed types of data (such as price and volume), you can plot one or more data series on a secondary value (y) axis. The scale of the secondary axis reflects the values for the associated data series.

On the chart, click the data series that you want to plot along a secondary value axis.
On the Format menu, click Selected Data Series.
On the Axis tab, click Secondary axis.

I hope this resolves your question. If it has, please mark this question as resolved.
If you require further assistance, please reply to this post. Or perhaps you have another Microsoft Excel question?

Have a great day.

Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

RE: Two data series on one bar graph

Dear Richard,

Thanks for your email reply.

Im still a bit ( ok very) unclear.
do i create my first bar chart with one set of data first? than attempt to add another series - if so i cant do that.

or do i have to put all the data in one table than create a chart.

i cant select other data when i have charted a graph from one set of data.

RE: Two data series on one bar graph


Please let me know if that clarifies it for you.



Edited on Mon 14 Jan 2008, 11:58

RE: Two data series on one bar graph

Hello Paru

Add both series to the chart at the beginning of the chart.

Once you have both on the chart, then select the one you want to add the second axis for.


Microsoft Office Specialist Trainer

RE: Two data series on one bar graph

ok that works.

thanks for all your help

Kindest Regards


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The Easiest Way to See a Sum or Average in Excel 2010

Did you know the quickest and most simple way of working out the average or sum of a set of numbers?

Highlight numbers in cells or type some numbers in cells and then look at the status bar at the bottom of the window. Here you will see a display of the average of the numbers, as well as a count of the cells and the sum of these cells.

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