Microsoft Excel VBA Training Manuals

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You asked - we listened. Our Microsoft Office training manuals are very popular, but many of you asked for VBA training manuals.

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Download Microsoft Excel VBA Training Manuals

Whether you've reached the limits of what you can do with your spreadsheets or are intrigued to find out more, VBA can transform your ability to manipulate data. By learning some basic programming techniques you can automate workflows to save time. Processes that can take dozens of man-hours can be simplified to minutes or even seconds, with no hands-on input required.

Want to pull many different sheets into a single file? VBA can help with that. Many complex formatting rules to apply over large sections of data? VBA will make it easy. Need to connect to an Access database to retrieve records? VBA helps there too.

Download STL manuals to get started learning VBA today. Alternatively, book a course to experience the learning hands-on with an experienced tutor to answer all your questions.

Licensed options for commercial use of these materials are available. Also, exercise files are available for working through the manuals. Please contact us for more information.

These manuals are copyright protected by Creative Commons license. You are permitted to download, edit, distribute and store these manuals without limit. Read more about our license over at Creative Commons.

Creative Commons License
VBA Training Manuals by STL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://www.stl-training.co.uk/vba-training-manuals.php.

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