transferring slides into another

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Transferring slides into another prsentation | PowerPoint forum

resolvedResolved · High Priority · Version 2007

Jill has attended:
PowerPoint Intermediate Advanced course

Transferring slides into another prsentation


We are rebranding our organisation from 1 December, so a lot of existing Powerpoint presentations will need to be transferred to the new style slide.

We covered this in the advanced training session but I don't think I grasped it well enough to do this. Can you explain step by step please?

RE: Transferring slides into another prsentation

Hi Jill,

Thank you for your question.

Do you mean inserting slides from one presentation into another which then inherits the Design Style of the presentation it is being inserted to?

If so, go to the Home Tab and then click on the arrow by New Slide and choose Reuse slides to open the navigation pane on the right hand side of the screen. The next step is to click on the Open PowerPoint file button and navigate to and open the relevant PowerPoint presentation.

As you hover each slide a larger preview appears. When you click on the slide it adds it to your current presentation and inherits the Design Style used in the current presentation you are working in.

I hope this answers your question.



Thu 1 Dec 2011: Automatically marked as resolved.


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