So many companies overload their IT staff with work that other department staff could be handling! With the IT staff generally being among the high paid staff members in the company, it just doesn't make sense to bog them down with rudimentary tasks that others could be handling before they pass their projects on to the IT department. In London, where pay rates are significantly higher than almost anywhere in the world, sending your staff to Dreamweaver courses in London is a smart and economical move.

Why send your staff to Dreamweaver courses in London?

There are many people within a company that work on projects that eventually end up in the IT department. Copywriters, editors, marketing staff, and many more all help develop web-based content and products. So why shouldn't they attend Dreamweaver courses? In London, people working in various areas of the company tend to be highly tech savvy. If given the right training, they could easily take some of the load off of your IT department.

For example, imagine a company that publishes a great deal of web content. Those who write content for your website or marketing newsletters can make it very easy or very difficult for your IT department to publish the content they provide. Passed along to IT in an HTML un-friendly format means that the web developer has to do a lot of extra work to strip out the formatting and position the design elements correctly.

After taking one or two Dreamweaver courses in London, these same writers and marketers can learn how to develop their content in Dreamweaver and pass them along to the web developer to be uploaded in one quick and easy step. Dreamweaver is not a complicated program and learning how to use it only requires a few days of Dreamweaver courses. In London where you can't afford to lose time by sending employees to a semester-long course, these power-packed one or two day courses are a way to get results quickly.

What They'll Learn in Dreamweaver Courses

In London, there are opportunities to get your staff up to date with the basics of Dreamweaver in just a few days. Best Training is one such provider of Dreamweaver courses in London that offers training both at your office or their London venues. A 1-day basic Dreamweaver course covers everything from introduction, to CSS formatting, to FTP publishing. A 1-day intermediate course covers more advanced material such as forms, behaviours and layers.

If you're looking for ways to reduce payroll expenses, why not reduce the workload of your top paid employees by training others to handle some of their tasks! Asking copywriters and those who develop marketing materials to do these tasks is not beyond their scope. In fact, in many companies, those in these roles regularly use Dreamweaver and have a grasp of HTML. More than likely, they'll appreciate the offer to learn more about this technology by attending Dreamweaver courses in London!