Unemployment figures are still rocketing and the confidence of job seekers is plummeting. To add to the agony, many companies are now on a 'hire freeze' level which means that no-one is leaving and no-one new is being employed.

But how do you overcome this?

Persistence certainly pays
In trying times, don't give up trying. Make it a rule to keep your name engrained on the minds of employers even if you only wrote to them three months ago. Situations change, a job that may not have been available in the past, may now be up for grabs or your e-mail could have ended up in a spam folder or simply never arrived.

Spread the word
Make it public knowledge that you are looking for employment. Tell friends and relatives to keep an ear out for any vacancies. Connections are the best way to apply for jobs before they are even advertised. You could even contact your previous employers to see if they have any leads. If something is on the pipeline, they are likely to put in a good word for you as chances are you were probably made redundant due to staff cutbacks rather than the inability to do your job efficiently. This is one of the reasons why it is always important to maintain a good working relationship with your boss; you never know when you may need their help.

Be flexible
Although you may prefer to work somewhere local, there may be a fantastic job waiting for you a little afield. You could even consider moving to an area which is flourishing rather than recovering from the credit crunch. This way, you can have your pick of the crop.

Keep yourself busy
There are plenty of ways to increase your chances of employment simply by remaining active and keen. An unpaid internship will give you experience to add to your resume and may even lead to paid work. Alternatively, freelance jobs or commissioned work may lead to a permanent position.

Let the pennies come to you
Be inventive, the internet provides the opportunity to offer a myriad of services online ranging from data entry through to tutoring. This will help to keep the landlord happy and keep you motivated for job searches.

Pass it on
If you find a job which isn't perfect for you but would suit your sister or friend, pass on the application. By giving out positively to others, you create a boomerang effect which means that people are more likely to pass on opportunities to you. You never know, that sister or friend may be able to pass on details of a job which is available in that very same company you helped them find

Network, network, network
Social networking is vital for finding that perfect job. Many employers find staff through referrals (networking). Take advantage of all your social networking options and fix yourself up with a job in record time by making people aware of your skills, availability and experience.

Social networking allows you to discover job openings which may not be advertised on job boards. Sometimes employers mention that they are looking for staff even before they advertise for them. This is when you jump in and eliminate the need for a manager to compile an advertisement, sift through thousands of CVs and interview thirty or so potential candidates when you are right there to step up to the plate. Become active on social networking sites and let the world come to you.

Aggregator sites
Aggregator sites will do all of the hard work for you as they are designed to make job hunting easy. They pull up employment vacancies from hundreds of other websites so as you can make a daily search of jobs in one place rather than having to manually trawl through thirteen or more sources at a time.

Aggregator sites save time as you do not have to filter through an endless list of jobs which are not relevant. You simply key in your chosen profession and only receive jobs related to your requirements. You could even set up a job alert so as new positions are directed immediately to your inbox on a daily or weekly basis. This way, you do not have to make it a point to visit every single day.

Every day is a work day
You are unemployed, not on holiday. So treat every day as though it were a normal working day. To be honest, looking for a job is a full-time job so treat it that way. Get up early, dress yourself for work, have your breakfast and sit down to begin your day. Keep your mind customized to a full working day and create the right mental attitude to find work.

Remember, a mind that is determined to seek, will find.