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ms+access+courses - Access

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version Standard

Tracy has attended:
Excel Introduction course
Excel Intermediate course
Access Introduction course


What's the difference between a single and a double number field.

RE: Access


Single and double just refer to the size of the data field within MS Access. In general you should use single unless you are working with very large numbers.

Hope this helps


Training courses


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Access tip:

Closing form after a certain time period

To make a form close automatically after a certain time period, you need to assign the close function to a macro.

Save the macro and ope up the form in design view. open the Properties sheet.

In the TimerInterval property enter the length of time you want the form open for. This should be in milliseconds, so for instance if you want the form open for 5 seconds enter 5000, for an minute enter 60000.

You now need to attach your macro (to execute the Close action) to the OnTimer event property of the form.

View all Access hints and tips

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