legend colouring tabs

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Legend, colouring tabs

resolvedResolved · Low Priority · Version 2010

Nana has attended:
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Legend, colouring tabs

How to have your coloured tabs replicated in the legend

RE: Legend, colouring tabs

Hi Nana, thank you for your post. Here is a solution:

1. Before you do anything else, format the individual task bars by right clicking on them and selecting Format Bar. (Or select multiple bars by using Ctrl + click). If you were to print the project at this point, the bars would print correctly, but the print legend would not indicate the significance of the new bar colour.
2. Now for the trick. After formatting the individual bars, create a style for the new bar. On the Format Menu, click Bar Style. (If you’re using Project 2010 or later, on the Format tab, click the down arrow on Format, and then click Bar Styles.)
Note: Keep in mind that normally you create a bar style to format specific types of tasks (like milestone or critical tasks) throughout your project without manually formatting all the bars. But in the case of improving the usability of the print legend, you need to create a new bar style as a type of workaround.
3. Go the end of the list of bar styles, and type a name for the new bar style, for example, the name of the phase.
4. Click in the Appearance column for the new bar, and give the bar a new colour.
5. In the Show For column, indicate which task types will be formatted with the new bar. A good option would be to type in “Normal, Summary”. Entering “Normal, Summary” in the Show For column prevents the bar from appearing on other non-customized bars in your Gantt Chart.
6. Your "custom" bar format will now appear on the print legend.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards
Marius Barnard


MS Project tip:

Create own ribbon tab - Project 2010

a. In Project click on the File tab
b. Select Options from left hand side
c. Choose the Customize Ribbon section
d. Click the New Tab button (below the list of tabs on the right hand side of the dialog box)
e. Select the New Tab (Custom) and enter a name, by clicking the Rename button (below the list of tabs on the right hand side of the dialog box)
f. Select the New Group (Custom) and enter a name, by clicking the Rename button (below the list of tabs on the right hand side of the dialog box)
g. Add commands to your tab and group by locating them on the list on the right hand side (remembering that you can change the list using the drop down box at the top of the list of commands) and clicking the Add button between the two panes to add them to your tab and group
h. You can rearrange the commands in your group, the groups on any tab or the tabs, using the up and down arrow buttons beside the list of tabs.
i. Click OK to apply your changes

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